I feel like I'm not really expressing myself or getting to know my friends nearly as well as I could by sharing only the serious stuff. I see them laughing on Facebook over funny things, but I don't post funny stuff because I don't want to seem stupid. But the funny stuff seems to mean more to me, and it makes me feel more connected to them. I'm not sure how to change this. Importance of Funny Stuff Sharing A very important way in which we learn from each other is by having a laugh together. It’s a good way to learn about the world because it makes us pay attention to things we might otherwise miss. The more we laugh together, the more people feel included, and the better they get to know each other. That way they can work together much better. Funny stuff is important. It’s important to share your funny stuff with your friends and family, and it’s important to share your funny stuff with the world. This might sound like a bold claim but, in fact, it’s quite straightfo...
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