If you think that you are the only person alive on earth who has a life-sucking job, then this list is perfect for you. There are so many jobs around the world which are the worst than yours. Some of these seem interesting but believe me you won't survive for a week if you can't handle your current one.
1. Snake Milkers
These are the professionals who actually extract the venom from the world's deadliest snakes. Snake's venom is used to make anti-venom and also many other medicines.
2. Professional Apologizer
They’re hired by professional apology services to apologize on behalf of people. I'm not joking. This type of apology service is in Japan.
3. Professional Hitchhikers
In Indonesia government has restricted some lanes of traffic to only cars with 3 or more people due to overcrowding. Poor people from the city outskirts take advantage of this by offering drivers to ride with them in the “fast lanes”.
4. Oshiya: Professional Pushers
In Japan, there are professional pushers called Oshiya who push the people on the trains during rush hours. Thank God Delhi is not in Japan, otherwise Delhi metro would need to hire Great Khali to be Oshima.
5. Professional Snugglers
Japan also has cuddle cafés, where, for around a dollar an hour, you can snuggle or sleep next to a real live woman, don't think naughty only sleep, nothing else. The trend has recently taken off in Rochester, NY, as well.
6. Professional Sleeper
A Finnish company made headlines not long ago when it advertised this position. Apparently, they needed comfort levels to be checked.
7. Teddy Bear Repair Technician
Kids get really emotional about their toys. Remember when your favorite toy lost an arm or suffered a similar life-threatening injury? It was devastating. But now there's a special technician who can come to the rescue.
8. Toques
In Mexico, some men lug around Caja toques -- battery-operated boxes
that dispense electrical charges -- and offer shocks of electricity for
between $2 to $4 a pop. Popular around bars and clubs, some people
believe it sobers them up while others feel it heightens their buzz.
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