Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS)
India is ready to launch its own regional location determination system named IRNSS like GPS.
What is GPS?
GPS is a global positioning system. The combined-A system which is used to find the location of a particular object in the world is called GPS.
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IRNSS is an independent regional navigation satellite system being developed by India. IRNSS has a capacity of 1500 KM which is really great news for India.
IRNSS would have seven satellites, out of which four are already placed in orbit which means ISRO is already ready to do it. It has a range from Latitude 30 deg South to 50 deg North, Longitude 30 deg East to 130 deg East.
Many times ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) shows its talent to the world for its dedicated work in Space research. ISRO successfully completed the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), also called Mangalyaan. The primary objective of the Mars Orbiter Mission is to showcase India's rocket launch systems, spacecraft building, and operations capabilities.
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